The Political Program of Unión del Barrio (Section 1).

PART 2 - "Who We Are", Point #2.

Page 1 - I. From Alaska to Chile – We Are One People Without Borders.

Page 2 - II. This is “Nuestra América” - We Are Indigenous Nations.

Page 3 - III. Ours is a National Liberation Movement Rooted in Class Struggle - We are Raza Internationalists.

Page 4 - IV. Dialectical and Historical Materialism Form the Basis of Our Strategies and Tactics.

II. This is “Nuestra América” - We Are Indigenous Nations.

We recognize and uphold the right to self-determination of all indigenous nations of the Americas. Nuestra América has been subject to the genocidal violence, theft, and slavery imposed on us by European colonialism, United States imperialism, and global neoliberalism. We are bound by a common history, struggle, and destiny. The principled unification of our forces throughout Nuestra América will be necessary to overturn all manifestations of colonial, imperialist, and neoliberal oppression. We understand that the liberation of La Raza within the current borders of the United States will, and must, be tied to the liberation of all indigenous people and Latin American nations.

The Mexicano people, as indigenous inhabitants of this continent and of what is presently called the southwest United States, constitute a colony of an illegal settler state that is essentially an extension of European colonialism. The United States funded and directed the Anglo settler rebellion in Texas in 1836, which set the stage for the United States war of aggression of 1846 – 1848. This war resulted in the occupation of the northern half of México. Since then, millions of our people have fallen victim to racist Anglo settlers who exploit our labor, keep a disproportionate number of our people in prisons, stereotype us through the media, falsify our history, deny us a relevant/productive education, and militarize the border in order to keep out the very same people from which Aztlán/México Ocupado was stolen.

This, along with state terrorism (migra, police, etc), and the ever-increasing overt and violent expression of racism by reactionaries of the United States white nationalist population, are all characteristics and manifestations of colonialism. Unión del Barrio is cognizant of current neocolonialist tactics of the oppressor, which include the use of our own people against us. These are puppet lackeys, appointed or self-appointed, and financially backed by colonialism, whose primary role is to confuse the La Raza into thinking that we are making progress, and that we can actually achieve self-determination within the existing system. This ploy is central to the classic colonizer tactic of divide and conquer. Instead of focusing our energy on overturning imperialism, this method pits us against opportunists of our own kind, and other oppressed nationalities, each struggling against the other for beggar’s crumbs, petty concessions, and neocolonial positions.

Strategically, we must create the conditions to bring about the liberation of Nuestra América. Our collective power within the United States will be a leading force overturning United States interventionism in Latin America. We understand that not a single neocolonial government could survive without funding and military training from the United States. Therefore, Unión del Barrio promotes the unity and involvement of our organization in efforts to democratize México and Nuestra América. The politics of La Raza living in the occupied territories should concentrate on organizing towards achieving independent political power inside the belly of the beast, while uniting with progressive forces in México and Nuestra América.

"Who We Are" Pages - 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 -

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Political Program, "Who We Are":

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External Links:

- Unión del Barrio.

- ¡La Verdad!.

- Raza Rights Coalition, San Diego.

Internal Links:

- Glossary.

- UdB Historical Archive.