- Wages - Also known as wage-slavery, this refers to the system in which workers sell their labor to the highest offer in order to survive. Debts, taxes, and rising prices (inflation) are all tools of wage-slavery because they keep the workers poor and controlled.

- War - Political and economic struggle with guns and bombs, instead of words and ideas.

- Ward, Lyn - One of the three Chicanos killed during the police attack against the August 29, 1970 Chicano Moratorium March in East LA..

- War-Mongering - .

- War Technology - These are the weapons and other inventions that come from war.

- Western Europe/ Western Block - .

- Western Hemisphere - .

- Westernization - Part of the Cultural Domination used by imperialism set up for dominated countries to want to be more "western" in their culture.

- Warsaw Pact - A military alliance between the Soviet Union and other European countries. The pact conceived as an answer to the threat imposed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and it was concluded soon after west German rearmament and admission into NATO.

- Weapons of War - Any instrument or device use for attack or defense in a fight or in a combat. Anything use against an opponent, adversary, or victim.

- Whites and Reds - The "whites" were the anti-communist forces that wanted to destroy the "reds" who were the Bolsheviks.

- Whitney, Eli - .

- Women's Rights - The rights claimed for women, citizens and all people demanding specific respect be given to every person and include voting rights, employment, freedom from persecution, etc.

- World Bank - .

- World War I (WWI) - The war between the Central Powers and the Allied Powers, beginning in 1914, and ending in 1919.

- World War II (WWII) - The war between the Axis Powers and the Allied Powers, beginning on September 1st of 1939, with the German invasion of Poland and ending with the surrounding of German in May 8, 1945 and atomic bombs being dropped until surrender on Japan in Aug. 14 1945.

- Working Class - Those persons working for wages, or how have to sell their labor to survive. To use this phrase it upholds especially people who do manual labor. Thus, the "working class" is the social or economic class composed of these workers. Under capitalism the working class is the least powerful class; they have no capital, and therefore must sell their work to survive; and they work all the time. See "Proletariat".

- Working Class Values - Getting paid a decent wage equal to our work, the rich have nothing over us and should pay a their fair share since they are rich because of our work.

- Working Poor - This is the part of the "working class" that works and works nearly all the time without rest, but still is poor and barely surviving.

- Workplace Conditions - This relates to how safe or unsafe a factory or workplace is. This was very important during the Industrial Revolution since many people would get killed because their jobs were so dangerous.

- Wounded Knee - A village in Southwest South Dakota: site of a massacre of about 300 Lakota indigenous people on December 29, 1890 as well as a firefight during the 1960s between the American Indian Movement (AIM) and the FBI.