- Eastern Europe - This historically refers to those countries that formed part of the Soviet Bloc after WWII, and had communist governments. More recently it refers to European countries found east of ??. Socialism in Eastern Europe was ---.

- East Los Angeles - Also known as "East Los", it is the biggest barrio in Aztlán.

- East LA Blowouts - This refers to the youth led movement at high schools in East Los Angeles with high Chicano student populations during the 1960s. At those schools thousands of students walked out in protest of racist school practices. It has come to symbolize the early moments of the Chicano Movement.

- Economic Boom - A high point in the capitalist economic business cycle of "boom and bust."

- Economic Crisis - An economic crisis is a situation in a society when the rights of the working class are going down (people getting paid less, getting fired, less benefits), and the middle class is disappearing.

- Economic Depression - Refers generally to a period of severe crisis in the capitalist system. Historically is describes the global economic crisis between WWI and WWII that started in 1929. Millions of people lost their jobs in the U.S. (which by that time was already a dominant capitalist country), and the economy froze.

- Economic Domination - Under imperialism, this is used to control the economy of the dominated country, so that most of the riches that country has are controlled by the imperialist country, and most of it is sent back into the banks within the imperialist country.

- Economy (Economics) - How society uses all of its resources, both human (labor, intellectuals, artists, etc.) and natural (oil, gold, iron, etc.), and distributes its wealth (who and how people survive in the society).

- Economic Justice - This is another name for the ideas that support socialism. Economic justice and economic rights are those that capitalist and liberal systems find it impossible to talk about because for them being rich and owning capital is the most important freedom they believe in, and all other rights are secondary. So when people talk about economic justice (sharing the wealth of a country) some people argue is against their freedom to be rich.

- Ecuador - A South American country.

- Education - The act or process of imparting or acquiring general knowledge and of developing the powers of reasoning and judgment.

- Egotism - Being a conceited and self-centered person. Some people who refuse to struggle in defense of the community should be considered egotists because they prioritize their own lives in spite of the terrible conditions out communities live under.

- Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN) - Comité Clandestino Revolucionario Indígena-Comandancia General (CCRI-CG) .

- Elections - .

- Elitism - A belief or attitude some individuals are members of an "elite" - special people with outstanding individual abilities, intelligence, wealth, training, etc. That the elite is better or more qualified than regular community people to play leadership roles in struggle, or that only a certain type of person is capable of understanding liberation struggle. This is a bourgeois way of looking at things.

- Eli Whitney - A famous (for numerous reasons) American inventor that originated the concept of "interchangeable parts", and thus mass production.

- El Salvador - A republic in Northwest Central America. Population of 5,480,000; 13,176 sq. miles. Also called Salvador. This was a very important country during the Cold War because of the revolution that grew here during the 1980s.

- Emancipation - The freeing of a person, group, or nation from the control of another.

Embryonic - Still very young; not yet developed or matured enough to be born, and be on its own.

- Emiliano Zapata - See "Zapata, Emiliano".

- Empire - This is the name given to a country that uses imperialism to control other countries outside of its own borders. It is a political unit made up of groups of territories ruled by one government.

- Empirical - To explain things based only on what is observed, visible, measurable, or able to prove through experiment, and not just on theory. A true revolutionary takes into account and/or combines theoretical and empirical information (joins them) as a means of waging liberation struggle.

- Energy - The capacity of vigorous activity; available power. A feeling of having an adequate or abundant amount of such power.

- Engels, Friedrich - Was born in 1920 and became a close friend and associate of Karl Marx. Together they developed the fundamentals of the theory of Marxism, even while living in different parts of Europe. Engels died in in London in 1895.

- England - The largest division of the United Kingdom, with Scotland and Wales, the island of Great Britain. 55,780,000; 50,327 sq. miles.

- English Revolution - The events of 1688-89 in England by which James II was expelled and the sovereignty conferred on William and Mary.

- Enlightenment - A term used to describe the time in European philosophy and cultural life, as Europeans emerged from the ignorance, fifth, and violence of the dark ages. Taken back to the mid-1600s, the Enlightenment would trace its origins to Descartes, Britain's Glorious Revolution of 1688, and Isaac Newton. Some use the French Revolution of 1789 or the beginning of the Napoleonic Wars (1804–15) as a convenient point in time with which to date the end of the Enlightenment. The period centered upon critical ideas, the centrality of freedom, democracy, and reason as primary values of European society as the primary source and legitimacy for authority.

- Enslavement - To force the status of slave upon another person or group. A slave is someone entirely dominated by some influence or another person (the slave-master), and has no control or authority over one self, and has no right to benefit from ones own labor.

- Entitlement - .

- Entrepreneur - A person who organizes and assumes the risk for a business venture hoping to make a profit. A capitalist gambler.

- Environmental Emancipation - This struggle is to overturn the degradation (destruction) of the environment within our struggle for national and continental liberation, and establish environmental justice for Nuestra América. Capitalism and imperialism as forms of exploitation thrive off of destroying our environment, and have devastated the environmental conditions of Nuestra América as imperial power tear away our natural resources. Forms of environmental destruction include deforestation (mass cutting and destruction of forests), poisons dumped into lakes and oceans as well as land used for growing food (contamination), etc.

- Equality - .

- Estates General - The legislative body in France before the French Revolution. [1575 - 1585].

- Ethnicity - .

- Europe - A continent in the West part of the land mass lying between the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, separated from Asia by the rural mountains on the East and the Caucasus mountains and the black and Caspian seas on the SE . The "European Union" includes 15 Nations in Europe: Denmark, Italy, Belgium, Ireland, France, Sweden, Luxembourg, Austria, Finland, Netherlands, Spain, England, Portugal, Germany, Greece. Also can be looked at as Western Europe.

- Evangelista, Vicente - Leader from the Dominican Republic.

- Evolution - A process within which something develops by degrees to a different stage, usually more complex that the previous.

- Exploitation - To take advantage (steal, over work, etc.) or to treat someone unjustly. The masses are exploited by the ruling class through the use of violence and lies.