- Nagasaki - A seaport on West Kyushu, in Southwest Japan. One of the two industrial cities in Japan (the other was Hiroshima) where the first military use of atomic bomb was used by the United States against the Japanese at the end of WWII on Aug. 6 and Aug. 9, 1945. At least 74,000 died as a result of this bombing of the city.

- Náhuatl - Language of the Mexica and other Mexican indigenous peoples.

- Narrow Nationalism - .

Nation - A group of people who share a common history, experiences, and territory, and have developed their own culture/language and government. Sometimes, a nation is made up of the same racial and/or ethnic group. A nation-state is the combination of the description above, but also the forms of government, laws, and institutions that exist in the nation. National interests advance what is good for the nation.

- National Assembly - A legislative body in particular representative forms of government found in various countries around the world.

- National Chicano Moratorium Committee (NCMC) - A progressive Chicano organization guided by the principles of self-determination, independence of government/corporate funding, and the defence of the human and democratic rights of all Raza. The membership of the NCMC includes people and organizations of many backgrounds, ideologies, and experiences, but what is key is that NCMC members are united by agreement with the principled demands and points of unity of the NCMC.

- Nationalism - A feeling that brings a person to consider their country a very important force in their lives, so much at time that they will fight for it. In countries being dominated by imperial or colonial powers, nationalism can lead to struggles for national independence and revolution. In imperialist countries, it has more often led to fascism.

- National Liberation - A process by which a country dominated by colonialism and/or imperialism can free itself from that control. This usually requires a revolution supported by the great majority of people in the country.

- Nation-State - A concept that is more specific than when referring to just the "nation" or just the "state". "The state is a political and geopolitical entity; the nation is a cultural and/or ethnic entity. The term "nation-state" implies that the two geographically coincide, and this distinguishes the nation state from the other types of state, which historically preceded it."

- Natural Resources - The natural wealth of a country, consisting of land, forest, mineral deposits, water etc.

- Nazi Party - The name comes from "national socialism", denoting the doctrine and form of government of Nazi Germany under the rule of Adolf Hitler, as enunciated in his book Mien Kampf. The term is a form of national socialist is the: Deutche Arbeiterpartei (German nationalist socialist workers party).

- Neocolonialism - The policy by which a powerful nation exerts political and economic control over a less powerful independent nation or region by using political puppets (sell-outs) within that country.

- Neoliberalism - The term refers to a redefinition of classical liberalism, broadly speaking, seeking to transfer control of national economies from public/state control to private ownership under the promise that it will produce a more efficient government and improve the economic health of the nation. During the 1980s and 1990s it was also known as the "Washington Consensus," a list of policy proposals forced on countries by Washington-based international economic organizations like the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

- Neruda, Pablo - Chilean revolutionary, writer, and politician. His legal name was Neftalí Ricardo Reyes Basoalto, and he was for most of his adult life a leading member of the Communist Party of Chile. With his works translated into many languages, Neruda is considered one of the greatest and most influential poets of the 20th century.

- Newton, Huey P. - African revolutionary from Oakland, CA, and cofounder/ leader of the Black Panther Party for Self Defense, an organization established to promote Black Power, civil rights, and self-defense.

- Nezahualcoyotl - Great leader and poet of the city of Tezcoco -in Mexico during the mid 1400s.

- Nicaragua - A republic in central America. 3,500,000; 57,143 sq. miles. Capital: Managua. Nicaragua became the center of social struggle and a revolution in the 1970s because it went through a struggle for national liberation led by the Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional (FSLN).

- Los Niños Héroes - Teenage Mexican military students who died defending Mexico City against the U.S. Marines in 1847, who had invaded Mexico and bombed Mexico City.

- Nkrumah, Kwame - African revolutionary from Ghana, he was an influential 20th century advocate of Pan-Africanism, and the leader of Ghana from 1952 to 1966.

- Nobility - The noble class or the body of nobles in a country that are granted special privileges as their birth-right. The state or quality of being noble.

- North America - The continent of the western hemisphere, extending from the north of Central America to the Arctic. Refers to the current countries of Canada, Mexico, United States.

- North Korea - officially the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, it is a state in East Asia, occupying the northern half of the Korean Peninsula. Its capital and largest city is Pyongyang. The Korean Demilitarized Zone is a U.S. militarily imposed buffer area between North Korea and South Korea.

- North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) - 1949 - A military alliance of western capitalist nations for the purpose of U.S. military hegemony. NATO has always been dominated by the United States, and its principal focus was anti-communist military unity during the Cold War.

- November 20, 1910 - Día de la Revolución Mexicana.

- Nuestra América - Nuestra América refers to the peoples of North, Central, and South America and the Caribbean. The concept includes all peoples that are share a common anti-colonial, anti-imperialist, and anti-capitalist history, struggle, and destiny. The unity of Nuestra América will be necessary to overturn the manifestations of colonial, imperialist, and neoliberal oppression, and the liberation of La Raza within the current borders of the United States will, and must, be tied to the liberation of all indigenous people, and Latin American nations. UdB upholds this concept because it recognizes our possible collective power within the United States – as a significant force to resisting United States interventionism in Latin America, and towards achieving independent political power inside the current borders of the U.S. Nuestra América therefore promotes the general unity of UdB with progressive forces in Mexico and all of Nuestra América.