- Identity - This refers to the ability for each of us as humans to fully understand and appreciate who we are, our heritage, culture, and history. Who you are as an individual, and who we are as a people. Understanding your past and present realities; without an understanding of "your identity" you have very little as a person.

- Ideology - A organized set of ideas and theories that explain a particular political or social view, and when combined with real objectives, can be put into practice through political organization. Without a solid ideology it is impossible to effectively struggle for liberation. In the movement, you engage in an everyday "ideological” struggle alongside our regular community work - this is the struggle of overturning oppressive and reactionary views or theories that the system trains our people to follow. The ideology of UdB is identified as both “Revolutionary Nationalism” and "Raza Internationalism".

- Ignorance - Not being aware of something. Being ignorant of something is curable because a person can get informed and stop being ignorant.

- Imperial - Refers to the Imperial Valley, where the cities of Calexico, Brawley, and El Centro are located, all major raza communities.

- Imperial Domination - This is when an imperialist country goes into and imposes imperialism on another country or national group of people.

- Imperialism - When one powerful country goes out into other weaker countries, and dominates those countries. The imperialist country uses political domination, economic domination, and cultural domination to take control of the wealth of the weaker country. A policy of extending a nations authority over other areas of the world beyond its national borders. Anti-imperialism is the active opposition to this form of domination.

- Inca - A member of any of the most developed groups of South American indigenous people who established a vast civilization in Peru prior to the Spanish conquest.

- Independence - The opposite of being dependent. Being able to make our own informed decisions based on our individual or collective interests. To have the freedom to do what is your right, as an individual, and as a people. UdB is fighting for the independence of la raza.

- India - A republic in South Asia. Formerly a British colony, India gained independence in 1947 and became a republic within the commonwealth of nations in 1950. 748,000,000; 1,246,880 sq. miles.

- Indigenous People - The native (original) people of Nuestra América (north and south). Also referred to as "indigenous nations" or "first peoples", and when referring to North American indigenous people sometimes called "Native Americans".

- Individuality - Qualities and/or skills that set us apart from others such as abilities in art, sports, music, academic work, etc. Some people confuse individuality with individualism by trying to set themselves apart by their clothes, what they own, how they do their hair, etc. And still some others refuse to join community struggles and organizations because the say it cramps their individuality (which is in reality another example of individualism).

- Individual Rights and Individualism - In a liberal capitalist society, this is the most important right for the society, were the individual has the right to do as they wish within the laws of that country. Classical liberalism argues that true freedom comes from the right of the individual over all else, especially for the individual to own private property. Taken to its logical conclusion, these priorities promote individualism, were people care only about themselves, (are selfish and egotistical), and forget about the interests of others. Individualism within our community is negative, because it keeps us from uniting to fight for our rights, and the only way we can can have power is through collective organization. This should not be confused with individuality, which is very different from individualism.

- Industrial Capitalism - A system in which industrialists decide how best to make money by reinvesting surplus value (profits), and expanding factories.

- Industrial Development - The practice of a country to develop its own national industry, meaning factories that produce the things the people of the county need, as well as selling the surplus products to other countries.

- Industrial Products - Items made in factories, usually by workers running machines. Also known as "commodities".

- Industrial Revolution - The complex of social and economic changes resulting from the mechanization of industry that began in England about 1760.

- Industry - The people or companies engaged in a particular kind of commercial enterprise or organized action for making goods and services for sale.

- Infantilism - A childish and adventurist style of work or way of thinking. In political struggle, an infantile individual lacks political maturity, acts/reacts in a very emotional fashion, fails to accept criticism, and so forth. Oftentimes, infantilism is covered-up by meaningless rhetoric.

- Infiltration - A process in which individuals (or small groups) penetrate an area or a group (especially the military penetration of enemy positions without detection). This refers to state infiltration of political organizations by placing an undercover agent within the group and this agent provokes activities that lead to the destruction of the group as a whole.

- Inflation - An abnormal increase in currency resulting in sharp rises of prices. The purchasing power of money goes down while the cost of items goes up.

- Insatiable - Impossible to satisfy, as in "an insatiable appetite".

- Institution - A government supported or sponsored political, economic, or social organization that works to develop certain results within a population. For example, a social institution is devoted to the promotion of a course or program, especially one of a public, educational, or social character, such as schools, prisons, government agencies, etc. To institutionalize something is to make something permanent. For example, within the liberation movement, we would like to institutionalize "political education" of cuadros.

- Insurgency - An organized rebellion aimed at overthrowing a government. Also known as an insurrection.

Intellectuals - Those who use and share knowledge as a profession - teachers, scientists, authors, etc. Many are found in the middle class or petty bourgeoisie, and are in the service of the ruling class.

- Interchangeable Parts - The idea that came from Eli Whitney that machines could be built that can make large quantities of identical parts used to assemble another product or machine. By doing this, mass production of products in factories was possible.

- Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) - A long-range explosive projectile capable of traveling from one continent to another as an object or weapon that is thrown, shot or otherwise propelled at a target as a rocket.

- Internationalism - The understanding and practice that calls for the unity of all working and oppressed people of the world. UdB refers to Raza Internationalism.

- International Monetary Fund (IMF) - .

- Interventionism - Refers to imperialist countries interfering in the internal affairs of weaker or smaller countries. U.S. interventionism in Latin America has been constant for centuries. UdB upholds the "right of non-intervention", let countries live, resolve their own contradictions, and choose their own form of political and economic system.

- Ireland - An island of the British isles. west of Great Britain, comprising Northern Ireland, and the Republic of Ireland. 32,375 sq. miles. capital: Dublin.

- Iron Curtain - The name given by Winston Churchill in 1946 to the political barrier dividing Eastern block countries from Western block countries.

- Israel - A republic in Southwest Asia, on the Mediterranean. Formed by the United Nations as a Jewish state in 1948, it was imposed by seizing territories from Palestinian Arabs. Today, this is still a region of intense violence and insecurity between Israelis and Palestinians. Capital: Jerusalem.

- Isolationism - The policy or doctrine that peace and economic advancement can best be achieved by isolating one's country from alliances and commitments with other countries.