
- Baca, Herman - From National City in San Diego County, a leader of the Committee On Chicano Rights, from 1974 through the 1980s, he was one of the most important defenders of the tights of la raza.

- Balance of Power - An international distribution of power such that no one nation is able to dominate or interfere with other nations.

- Banks, Dennis - Leader and co-founder of AIM.

- Barrio - A Mexican/raza working class neighborhood.

- Base - This has two meanings in struggle. One refers to "base/superstructure" concept, where the "base" represents the economic power relations within a social system, and "superstructure" are those forms, values, institutions, etc. that are co-evolve in relation to the "base". The other meaning refers to democratic centralism and represents the basic and most important organizational form within this type of organization.

- Belize - A country in Central America.

- "Belly of the Beast" - .

- Benito Mussolini - See "Mussolini, Benito".

- Berlin Wall - The 29 mile line separating the two parts of the city of Berlin when in August of 1961, construction by the east Germans of the Berlin wall restricted crossing to a few closely controlled points. This was an important dividing line between capitalist west and communist east in Europe.

- Bernardo O'Higgins - See "O'Higgins, Bernardo".

- Betances, Ramón Emeterio - A leader of Puerto Rican national liberation.

- Betancourt, Clyde - Leader and co-founder of AIM.

- Black Civil Rights Movement - The social movement more closely linked to reform and equality for Black people in the U.S. and identified with persons like M.L. King and Rosa Parks. Notably different from the Black Power Movement.

- Black Panther Party - One of the most important, and culturally influential, Black organizations of the Black Power Movement. It was founded by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale in Oakland, California, in 1966.

- Black Power Movement - One of the most important social struggles in U.S. history, it came from a change within the Black Civil Rights Movement that went beyond demands for civil rights, but fought for power (economic, political, and cultural) to be taken by Black people in the U.S.

- Black Shirts - This was the name given to the fascist thugs in Italy, that later followed the leadership of Benito Mussolini. They wore black shirts and attacked communists throughout the country.

- Blitzkrieg - Also know as the Blitz, this was a type of attack used by the Nazis in WWII that emphasized speed and surprise.

- Blockade - .

- Blow-Outs - 1968 LA high school walk-outs. See Sal Castro.

- Bolívar, Simón - 1783-1830, Venezuela statesman: leader of revolt of South American colonies against Spanish rule.

- Bolivarian Dream - The vision first articulated by Simón Bolívar of a unified Latin America. It is today a central part of the UdB program with our understanding of the concept of Nuestra América.

- Bolivarian Revolution - Another name for the process of social change and participatory democracy currently being undertaken in Venezuela.

- Bolivia - A republic in west South America. 7,000,000; 404,388 sq. miles. It was from this country that in 1966 and 1967 Ernesto "Ché" Guevara attempted to start and continental revolution in South America. Evo Morales as president of Bolivia represents an important moment in our people's struggle in Latin America.

- Bolsheviks - A revolutionary political faction in Russia that later became an independent party and led the first Communist revolution in human history. The faction was organized in 1903 by the victory of Russia Marxists to get rid of the Czar, and later to build a workers state. It was led by Vladimir Ilych Lenin. Under the leadership of Lenin, and out of the organizational forms used by the Bolsheviks, came the concepts of democratic centralism and the role of the vanguard party.

- Border (National/Political) - A political boundary dividing nations. Borders are arbitrary lines usually imposed through political and/or economic power. For example, when UdB members say or write "within the current borders of the U.S." we understand that the border that exists today between the U.S. and Mexico is a forced political border dividing our people in the north from the south. The original border lines the U.S. government drew when they stole these territories extended south to the states of Sinaloa and Tamaulipas. Part of the Political Program of UdB calls for winning back the territories stolen by the U.S. in 1848.

- Border Patrol - Also known as "migra". A specialized police force which since its founding has been used primarily to repress and terrorize Mexicanas and Mexicanos as well as other raza living within the current borders of the U.S.

- Bourgeois Values - Work hard and don't complain, do what you are told, do not question authority, believe in god and don't concern yourself with politics. Keep to yourself, don't worry about you community because they are all lazy and only want hand-outs anyway. And especially don't join UdB! If you do all these things you will go far in life, and when you die you will go to heaven. Why are these bourgeois values? Because this way they can do what they want to get rich and the poor will stay poor and not complain.

- Bourgeoisie - The owners of the means of production. In capitalism, this is the ruling class. The petty bourgeoisie is the small land and business owners or those who "aspire" to be (want to be) like the big bourgeoisie. Something that is considered "bourgeois" means that it represents or upholds the values and priorities of the bourgeoisie over the values of working people and the revolutionary struggle.

- Boycott - A form of activism involving the act of voluntarily stopping from using, buying, or dealing with a person, business, organization, or country as an expression of protest, usually for political reasons.

- Brazil - The largest of South American countries.

- Brown Berets - One of the most important organizations of the Chicano Movement. The Brown Berets fought for the self-defense of the Chicano community. They wore brown berets, and it was this group that played an important role in the take over of Chicano Park in San Diego, California in 1970. Today they are known as the Brown Berets de Aztlán.

- Bubonic Plague - Also known as the Black Death, it was a severe infection caused by the bacterium Yersinia testis, transmitted by the bite of fleas from infected rats characterized by formation of buboes at the armpits and groin. This sickness nearly wiped out all of medieval Europe, when European towns and cities were overrun with rats and filth.

- Burkina Faso - A republic in west Africa: formerly part of French west Africa. 8,530,000; 106,111 sq. miles. Capital: Ouagadougou.

- Burn-Out (Politically) - To give up struggle because of personal feelings of being overwhelmed, isolation, exhaustion, and lack of collective struggle. This has happened to far too many great compas that simply take too much on themselves, and don't take the time to see the importance of collective political struggle. Many times burn-out sets in when people think the revolution is tomorrow, and fail to see that our struggle is for the long-term, and that each of us may not even be alive to see victory and liberation ourselves, but it is for future generations of la raza.

- Business Cycle - A cycle of business expansion and prosperity followed eventually by a period of decline and crisis. Also known as "boom and bust".