- Oaxaca - A state on the Southern Pacific coast of Mexico.

- Objective - Something concrete and measurable, not emotional. Can also mean the end result a person or group wants to reach.

- Obregon, Alvaro - A military general during the Mexican Revolution who joined the forces under Venustiano Carranza. In a battle against General Francisco Villa he lost one of his arms. Later he became president of Mexico, after Carranza supported the assassination of General Emiliano Zapata. As president of Mexico from December 1, 1920 to November 30, 1924, he has been generally recognized as a nationalist and relatively progressive.

- Oceania - Most definitions of this geographical area include Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea, and all or part of the Malay Archipelago.

- Ochoa, Digna - May 15, 1964 - October 19, 2001. Compañera Digna was a human rights lawyer in Mexico.

- October 10, 1492 - This is one of the most important dates in the history of Nuestra América because it is when Christopher Columbus first landed in the Americas, and changed the world forever. It marks the beginning of world colonialism, indigenous genocide, African enslavement, and the devastation of the Americas under hundreds of years of exploitation, and oppression.

- October Revolution (1917) - "Red October". See Russian Revolution.

- O'Higgins, Bernardo - One of the Libertadores of South America, he helped José de San Martín free the country of Chile from Spanish colonial domination.

- Ojeda Ríos, Filiberto - Puerto Rican revolutionary assassinated by the FBI.

- Olmeca - The first civilization in the Américas, the Olmecas established themselves in what is now Veracruz, Mexico in 1,500 B.C.

- Openness - Open to new ideas and new ways of looking at the world around us.

- Opportunism (Political) - A person or group that is willing to put aside fundamental political principles in order to achieve some form of short term goal, usually based on some form of self-interest and/or egotism. It is very easy to fall into opportunism when people work as individuals because it becomes almost impossible to maintain a critical view of your work without collective discussions to guide your work. Constructive criticism and self-criticism is one of most effective methods for combatting opportunism.

- Oppression - Unjust, cruel, and terrible abuse and domination of a person or group by another person or group.

- Organization - To be united, under clear objectives, and having the power to act in your own interests and defense. UdB strives to build such an organization.

- Organization of American States - .

- Organized Labor (Unions) - Working men and women in society who organize themselves and unite at the workplace, to secure an economic compensation, and rights on the job for the production of economic goods or services owned by others, called employers. At some historical moments organized labor can be a source of revolutionary struggle, while at others it can be kept in unity with the upper class, as has been the case for many years in the United States, where labor unions have been reactionary and even racist, with little solidarity with other workers. Nonetheless, UdB sees organized labor as an importance space of struggle within which we intend to expand our presence.